2022 Holiday Kanikapila & Toy Drive
Our 2022 Holiday Kanikapila and Toy Drive was a great success. Santa’s elves rode up on motorcycles this year to bring holiday joy to the keiki of Oahu!
Did you see our Living 808 TV interview on this event?
Did you see our Living 808 TV interview on this event?
Watch it HERE!
Our Resort Manager Bryan Ayakawa talks about the event and is joined by a representative from the Atualoa Motorcycle Club and the Executive Director of the Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii.
The Imperial Hawaii Resort partnered with Atualoa Motorcycle Club to help families in need enjoy the holidays on Oahu. This is the 3rd year we’ve worked with Atualoa MC to provide toys for a local charity. Atualoa MC was established on January 8, 2015, by a brotherhood based on the beliefs of Fa’a Samoa. God and Family first, also, “o le ala i le pule o le tautua,” or “the pathway to leadership is through service.” A donation box was set up in the lobby near the front desk and we asked that people would donate a new, unwrapped toy while they’re here OR they can order something online and have it shipped to the Imperial!
This year’s charity is Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii. Their mission statement is…
“We are a local nonprofit agency that is part of a network of organizations and individuals committed to improving Hawai‘i’s maternal, child, and family health through collaborative efforts in programs, public education, advocacy, and partner development. Before, during, and after pregnancy, we are here every step of the way.”
Happy holidays from us The Imperial Hawaii Resort!
The toy drive ended with a Holiday Kanipapilia in the lobby with live music and vendors. It was a great evening at The Imperial Hawaii Resort!
For more photos and videos of this event from December 18th, 2022, check out our social media pages @theimperialhawaiiresort or https://www.facebook.com/theimperialhawaiiresort